holding on. letting go.


do i have to?  nope.

the fine art of letting go…  letting go isn’t always easy.  other times, it’s quite easy.  so easy, in fact, after the purge you may say “why the heck didn’t i do that sooner?”.  amazing how once we let go of what, or who, doesn’t serve us, better things fall into place.  we’ve heard that before, but let’s explore.

what does that mean?  what are you continuing to hold space for?

that’s what it is. anytime we hang onto a thought or idea of how something should be, an unfit relationship (of any kind), an unsatisfactory job, an abusive manager, etc., it takes up space in our lives that the universe can not fill with things meant for us.  it can be big, it can be small.  there are big things in small.

but we do this, and we keep trying to make it better.  this is what we do to ourselves, and this is why… are you ready?  hold on tight (pun intended)…

we keep holding on to how we thought it was going to be when we first approached the idea of it, and then we can not let it go when it does not work according to our plan.  our ego simply can not perceive of taking such a hit. 

part of letting go of ego is accepting we are all learning as we move along our individual path.  while we may always approach something or someone from a place of love and hope, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to work in our favor.

what is not meant for us is simply not meant for us.  to truly let go, letting go of ego is key and must happen first.  if you do not let go of ego first you will continue to try to force an event not meant for you, and the results and the journey attached to it can be catastrophic. 

for many people, they will spend their entire life trudging through the mud, constantly stuck in the ebb and never hitting the flow, working toward something that is not happening and is never going to.  sounds like a blast.

so, how do we know when something isn’t working?  well, we know when it’s not working.  awareness.

you must take time to go inward and sit in silence with yourself.  you will find God there, your inner Divine, and you will find the answer.  know this – you already have all the answers you need. 

yes, it’s totally frustrating.  we do this to ourselves.  how many times has a relationship ended, and in hindsight you’ve “known” something wasn’t quite right?  that’s your intuition, and many times when making decisions we ignore our God-given gifts.  it is work to master tapping into this when we truly need to.  it’s worth the work.

your intuition is the one thing in this world you can trust.  it will help you immensely.  understand, other people may not and will not understand it.  you owe no explanation to anyone for doing what is best for yourself.

letting go isn’t easy, especially when it’s people we have to let go of.  sometimes it’s family, and that’s really hard.  i am learning to love without attachment.  your love toward another person, in any capacity, is never wasted.

“other people and their poor behavior do not define me.  i am not the reason for their behavior and i do not deserve poor treatment.  i will replace their presence in my life with the presence of the Divine.  i am a singular, celestial, sacred, light-filled being.  i wildly love all, and will do so, regardless if it is returned”. 

on my journey in dealing with unhealthy relationships, i have found this to be true.  if you are in this predicament, i am sorry.  i love you.  feel free to use this as a mantra.  try saying this to yourself either in meditation or while looking into a mirror.  you are worth it.

love yourself first.  allow your soul to evolve.  drop your baggage.  situations can be changed.  negative people are dead weight.

when people show you what they are believe them, and love them anyway.

And with that, this is where I leave you…

In Gratitude, Always.



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